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Section 1: Introduction
Hello + Class Overview
What You'll Need - Supplies & Materials
Section 2: Building your first song in GarageBand
Lesson 1: Create a new GarageBand Tracks project
Lesson 2: Drummer
Lesson 3: Drummer Presets
Lesson 4: Tracks and Instrument views
Lesson 5: Smart Piano (1:05)
Lesson 6: Smart Piano - Practice & Record (1:26)
Lesson 7: Adding Guitar, Bass & Strings using Autoplay
Section 3: Make a beat starting with Loops
Lesson 8: What is a Loop?
Lesson 9: The Loop Browser (2:58)
Lesson 10: Add loops to your favorites list
Lesson 11: Choose a Loop
Lesson 12: Adding Loops to your song
Lesson 13: Exploring Drummer
Lesson 14: Save and name your project
Section 4: Make a beat using the Beat Sequencer
Lesson 15: Exploring the Beat Sequencer (0:55)
Lesson 16: Patterns and Measures (2:01)
Lesson 17: Note Values (1:20)
Lesson 18: Programming a "4 on the floor" drum beat
Lesson 19: Adding Percussion to your beat
Section 5: Make a song using Smart Instruments
Lesson 20: Exploring GarageBands Smart Instruments
Lesson 21: Basic Chord Theory
Lesson 22: Intervals (1:45)
Lesson 23: How to build major, minor & diminished chords (1:04)
Lesson 24: What is a chord progression
Lesson 25: Practice and Record using Smart Instruments (0:42)
Section 6: Arranging your song
Lesson 26: Song Structure
Lesson 27: Adding Song Sections
Lesson 28: The Song Sections window
Lesson 29: Copy and Paste from Section A to Section B
Lesson 30: Building Section B
Lesson 31: Finalizing Your Arrangement
Section 7: Adding Smart Instruments to your song
Lesson 32: Changing the key
Lesson 33: Add a Smart Bass instrument to your song
Lesson 34: Chill Echo Synth Layers (1:21)
Lesson 35: Pensive Offbeat Mallets
Lesson 36: Seaside Electric Guitar 02
Lesson 37: Off Grid Lead Synth
Section 8: Vocals
Lesson 38: Recording Melodies
Lesson 39: Record Melodies using Vocal Transformer
Lesson 40: Record Melodies using A Virtual Instrument
Section 9: Mixing
Lesson 41: Track Controls
Lesson 42: Volume, Pan, Mute & Solo
Lesson 43: Compressor, Treble, Bass
Lesson 44: Echo & Reverb
Lesson 36: Seaside Electric Guitar 02
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